Emergency and Medical ID options for Senior Citizens

Our emergency and medical IDs are widely used by those suffering from cognitive disorders such as dementia which includes alzheimers. A number of clinic, day centres and hubs had contacted us to say that some of their visitors would prefer a leaflet that would:
- introduce the range of medical IDs - choose from medical ID bracelets, medical ID cards and our handy MiniTag ID for keys and belongings (Click to view the range),
- provide a step by step guide to ordering an ID,
- highlight the benefits of carrying or wearing an ID - immediate identification, prompt and effective treatment, quick communication with next of kin and peace of mind for family and friends.
So we developed the A5 leaflet to provide all the information required to guide senior citizens or their carers through the process of selecting and ordering a medical ID bracelet or medic alert card. If you would like to request a leaflet to help you through the ordering process or would like to display the leaflets at your local clinic, day centre or hub then click to view or download the A5 leaflet or for multiple copies contact info@onelifeid.com
If you need more details on what information to put on your ID then read our quick guide (Click to find out more).