OneLife iD Medical ID Awareness Campaign for Paramedics
Personal IDs for sports, emergency and medical reasons are in widespread use. Whilst their existence is well recognised by Paramedics and Emergency Services we are continuing to raise awareness of emergency and medical ID wristbands, bracelets and dog tags within these groups and have developed a Training Pack that can be used to train paramedics and responders. It covers; where to find emergency and medical IDs, how to access them and the information available. Our current pack includes:
- slidedeck for use in paramedic or first responder training
- example emergency and medical IDs (ID tags and Bands) that point to training medical profiles. These can be used to give responders 'hands-on' experience of finding and accessing key emergency and medical information
- one page emergency and medical ID Aide Memoire that can be distributed to emergency crews or event staff.
Click to download the Aide Memoir below or contact to request an Emergency Responder Pack & Resources.
Click to download the OneLife iD "Vital Signs" personal ID information sheet.