OneLife iD Concept - Why use a OneLife iD
OneLife iD provides vital information in the event of an emergency. OneLife iD offer a range of personalised ID wristbands, cards and tags that are suitable for athletes and families. Our customers use OneLife iD as Medical ID, In Case of Emergency ID, Sports ID and much more. OneLife iD is different to many other similar products because it includes the online ID profile which can store extra information and documents and be updated whenever your details change. Find our more here.
Sports iD
Today's sportsman needs ID products that withstand the rigours of competition and enable post-event networking.
Additionally, OneLife iD provides that added level of protection with the capability to record those vital medical emergency details and protect your expensive kit.
Emergency iD
It's not just sports participants who benefit from carrying a personal ID. Emergency situations can develop anywhere and for anyone, so the simple act of carrying your emergency contact information in a convenient manner makes sense for everyone.
OneLife iD delivers a flexible system that makes your personal iD available whenever you need it – emergencies, protecting your valuables or making new contacts at work or socially.
Medical iD
Medical ID bands, cards and tags.
OneLife iD provides the perfect solution for anyone who needs to carry vital information about a medical condition. This could be a simple allergy, details of important medication being taken or information about medical conditions which needs to be communicated quickly to medical staff or first responders in the event of an emergency. Our medical ID range includes a range of formats that should suit everyone.
Social iD
OneLife iD has a range of items for school, college, uni, gap year travelling or just meeting up. Include links to all of your online profiles on social media.
OneLife iD is the social media iD. The stylish products look good and provide a great opportunity to connect with friends. Combines all the fun of face to face interaction, social media and smartphones with the added security of protecting you and your kit.

Family iD
Bright and colourful iD products for all the family and their kit.
OneLife iD provides products to suit the needs of the active family – parents, children and pets. It protects your valuables and helps when the kids or pets go off on an adventure.

Balancing the demands of home and leisure.
OneLife iD delivers stylish products for all your valuables. ID your luggage with MiniTags or use the Sticker iD to identify your sports kit, laptop, tools or other business equipment.